Meet the Talented Classic Mix Musicians!


Orlando Event Musician: Valerie Pernice

Valerie Pernice is a professional vocalist, violinist and violist. Her background experience consists of musical education at Kansas University, performing with local orchestras, symphonies, ...

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Orlando Event Musician Craig Thomas Classic Mix

Orlando Event Musician: Craig Thomas

Craig Thomas is a professional performer, singer, and multi-instrumentalist. Under the tutelage of his mother, Craig delved into the world of early choral and instrumental music and began learning ...

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Orlando Event Musician Deborah Dansby Wells Classic Mix

Orlando Event Musician: Deborah Dansby Wells

Deborah Dansby Wells, viola and violin, is a long time resident of Orlando. Debbie is a freelance ensemble performer, soloist, clinician, and instructor who has played with nearly every orchestra statewide as well as many ensembles around the United States. She travels worldwide making music ...

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Orlando Event Musician Paul Fleury Classic Mix

Orlando Event Musician: Paul Fleury

Paul Fleury is a hybrid cellist, and highly skilled in classical, jazz improvisation, rock, and Blues/R&B. He has performed with many orchestras worldwide; touring, recording and performing with them ...

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Orlando Event Musician Megan Sabella Classic Mix

Orlando Event Musician: Megan Sabella

Megan Sabella is a professional teacher, violinist, and vocalist based in the Central Florida area. She currently works as the Director at Shining Star Music Academy, a private lesson school serving the Gainesville and Jacksonville areas. ...

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